$SEAN - The Starfish Finance token
Token Ticker: SEAN
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Initial Liquid Tokens: 37,300,000
$SEAN is natively on Astar Network, and currently bridged to Ethereum and Arbitrum One via cBridge by Celer Network.
The token addresses in different networks are as follows.
Token Contract Address
Seed: 4% (10% upon listing, 3 months cliff, daily vesting for 12 months)
Private: 2.4% (15% upon listing, 3 months cliff, daily vesting for 12 months)
Public: 4.6% (20% upon listing, monthly vesting for 12 months)
Liquidity: 10% (5% upon listing, monthly unlock for 3 years)
Reserve: 10% (Reserve use determined by DAO afterwards)
Community Growth: 15% (5% upon listing, monthly unlock for 3 years)
Ecosystem: 40% (2% upon listing, monthly unlock for 3 years)
Team: 10% (6 months cliff, quarterly vesting for 3 years)
Advisor: 4% (6 months cliff, quarterly vesting for 3 years)
Last updated