💰Wallets & Networks

To use Starfish, you need wallet that is connected to Arbitrum One or Astar Network. Currently we support 3 wallets - MetaMask, Unstoppable and Coinbase Wallet

Connect with Metamask Wallet

MetaMask by default supports both the Arbitrum One & Astar network and allows you to send and receive coins. However, when you connect MetaMask to Starfish, Starfish will automatically configure MetaMask to work with Arbitrum One & Astar network.

For more info about MetaMask, please visit their website https://metamask.io

You can connect to these 4 networks to start your Starfish adventure, Arbitrum One, Arbitrum Goerli (Testnet of Arbitrum One), Astar Network or Shibuya Testnet (Testnet of Astar Network)

This documentation corresponding contains details for the RPC - HTTP, WSS endpoints

Connect with Unstoppable

You can also use your Unstoppable Domain Wallet to operate on Starfish Finance.

For more info about Unstoppable, please visit: https://unstoppabledomains.com/web3-domains/wallet

Connect with Coinbase Wallet

Starfish Finance also integrates Coinbase Wallet for the features on Arbitrum One, Users are able to connect via Coinbase Wallet.

The connecting procedure is similar to MetaMask. For more info about Coinbase Wallet, please visit: https://www.coinbase.com/wallet

Last updated